ARTIST: Zak Borg
GROUP: A Night in Texas, Deficit , Arteries, Resist the Thought, Session Drummer
BRAND: Rech, Chaos, Roodiment, Chaos Drum Sticks
LOCATION: Western Sydney - Australia

Zak Borg is a hard hitting Metal Drummer - Known for his crazy You tube videos and excessive speeds making headways around Australia and the world and amassing over 4 million views on facebook alone. Starting in the year 2000 Zak is forever trying to push himself and the boundaries of the speed/metal/groove genres but will play along to any genre.


Nuclear 21" Ride
B8 18" China
Inferno Dark 14" Hi hats
Platinum 17" Crash
Platinum 8" Splash
EFX 6" Bell
Prestige 8" Splash
Platinum 19" Crash
Atomic 20" Reching Bell Ride
Prestige 18" China
Inferno 14" Hi hats